Leadership in Times of Crisis

leadership in times of crisis

Why we Need to Focus on Strong Leadership in Times of Crisis such as the Pandemic

Covid19 has created is a time of uncertainty and a time of crisis for companies. Many have had to become 100% remote in a matter of days, others have employees who have fallen ill, and almost all have teams that have been personally touched by the pandemic one way or another, affecting their day to day lives.

Strengthening your Leadership in Times of Crisis

Leaders face a unique challenge during this crisis: how can they lead with empathy, confidence and compassion?

  • Encourage team members to take care of their mental health.
  • Limit the corona-talk in meetings. Everyone wants to talk about it and that’s understandable, but try to expand the scope of ice-breaker topics.
  • Think about what you’re grateful for right now and share that exercise with your team.
  •  Ask your team how they’re feeling and LISTEN:
    • What’s one thing I can do to help you succeed?
    • What’s your biggest concern right now?
  • Involve your team in the changes being made today that will affect the company’s future.
  • Accept that you will not have the clarity you want in order to make decisions. Go with your highest point of clarity and be confident.

Finally, ask your team these 3 questions:  

  1. “How soon do you believe things will settle down?”
  2. “With reality in mind, how do we want to treat each other?”
  3. “What does success look like TODAY?”

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