Perks of Flexible Working: Boost Productivity and Work-Life Balance

Studies conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that 71% of the adult workforce is currently working remotely. More surprising is that 54% of working adults in the U.S. want to remain working from home once the pandemic has ended.  Are you interested in working from home or other flexible working forms as an employee… Seguir leyendo Perks of Flexible Working: Boost Productivity and Work-Life Balance

Developing an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the Workplace

Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the Workplace

Why should you focus on developing an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in your workplace? Companies today must demonstrate a culture of diversity and inclusion in order to succeed.  Potential employees and customers consider these qualities to be critical. Many RFPs even require a section on diversity and inclusion, where bidders must demonstrate their commitment to these… Seguir leyendo Developing an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the Workplace

Bootstrapping your HR

For many startups, an HR department is a thing of the past, something only large corporations deal with. However, there are times that even if you don’t have an official Human Resources division, you need to do the work traditionally associated with this department. So when can you do it on your own, and when… Seguir leyendo Bootstrapping your HR

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