WTF is Work-Life Balance?

Here we have 3 good articles to understand why we all seem to be struggling with work-life balance, and start working improving it: Dottie Chong rounds up the ways in which we can avoid vacation-shaming at startups. Late Night Froyo gives us 3 steps to taking control of our life that seem simple but are… Seguir leyendo WTF is Work-Life Balance?

The Story Behind Vendasta’s Workplace Perks

April Nowicki brings us this story about how Vendasta offers classic workplace perks but there is a very deliberate objective behind them. CEO Brendan King explains how life is divided into 4 broad segments: family, work, tasks and sleep.  The Culture at Vendasta aims to improve and optimize those areas. Keep reading to see more of their… Seguir leyendo The Story Behind Vendasta’s Workplace Perks

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Rethinking Netflix Work Culture

Netflix work culture is notorious for being cut-throat. While some may say it’s toxic (more on that in a second), it clearly works in maintaining only superstar employees. The WSJ published an article that details how ‘radical honesty’ may be creating a culture of fear, where no one is sure if it’s their last hour… Seguir leyendo Rethinking Netflix Work Culture

Working Too Many Hours a Week

Am I Working Too Many Hours a Week? Have you asked yourself this question? Chronic overwork is bad for your mental wellbeing, can put your health at risk, and be detrimental to your productivity and the quality of your work. This article by Laura Empson highlights the ways we should be deliberate about our work… Seguir leyendo Working Too Many Hours a Week

Remote Working Issues

Remote Working is stressful, even though the pros of this way of working can outweigh the cons, and regardless of whether this setup makes much more sense for us than to go to our company’s offices every day. We’ve got a roundup of great posts that highlight the difficulties of remote work and remind you… Seguir leyendo Remote Working Issues

Workplace Transparency: it’s taken too long

A transparent workplace can improve employee morale, satisfaction and performance. There are seemingly no downsides when done correctly.  So why has it taken so long to be embraced?  This article from HR Digest explains why transparency was shunned by leadership and reasons why it’s great for workplace culture. We all know Buffer as one of the… Seguir leyendo Workplace Transparency: it’s taken too long

The Importance of Transparency in Startups

The Importance of Transparency in Startups The case for salary transparency has been made multiple times, but so has the case for not making individual compensation widely known. Were you aware that salary transparency can help your startup company excel against competitors? When starting small businesses, many owners have a hard attracting employees. This is… Seguir leyendo The Importance of Transparency in Startups